City Hall
Holbrook City Flood Plain Administration
The City of Holbrook would like to make you aware that floodplain information is available for properties in the City of Holbrook. This information can be obtained by calling 928-524-6225 or visiting the City Clerk's Office at City Hall.
The City of Holbrook has up-to-date FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Maps). The City also maintains an archive record of all FIRM maps that have been replaced by newer, revised maps. These maps are available to anyone who is requesting information concerning FIRM panel numbers and the date of the FIRM'S index. Staff will also be glad to provide information regarding the City's floodplain ordinance.
Copies of elevation certificates are also available. It is our mutual responsibility to disclose to perspective landowners the FIRM rating before the purchase of property.
Printable PDF Flood Plan InformationThe City of Holbrook has up-to-date FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Maps). The City also maintains an archive record of all FIRM maps that have been replaced by newer, revised maps. These maps are available to anyone who is requesting information concerning FIRM panel numbers and the date of the FIRM'S index. Staff will also be glad to provide information regarding the City's floodplain ordinance.
Copies of elevation certificates are also available. It is our mutual responsibility to disclose to perspective landowners the FIRM rating before the purchase of property.